CCP Exam On-Line Is Here Now !
Available On-Line, any day and any time, any where, 24/7.
Great News! The CCP Exam is now accessible on-line for all cargo claim candidates residing in North America and can be taken any day, any time, any where, 24/7. This means that instead of having to spend time and travel expenses to attend a live designated exam site that was typically only offered once or twice annually is now available any day, any time, any where, 24/7. You can access the CCP Exam Portal by clicking on the “Certification” tab on the Home page of this website, scroll down and select “Application to become Certified” and from there click on “Go To On-Line Exam Portal”. NOTE: Be certain that you read the Certification process that takes applicants through the required steps by first Register and create an On-Line Exam Account. Once you have completed this step you will need to complete the On-Line CCP Exam Application and Calculation of Points forms. Once your Application has been submitted along with attached supporting documentation, Applicants will need to wait until the CCP Exam Committee Approves your Application before you can proceed to purchase and take the timed CCP Exam. The CCP Exam is a timed exam and the CCP Exam Fee is $575.00 for CCPAC Members and $725.00 for non-members.