Next Exam: 2024 Live CCP Primer Class & Exam


Registration Is Now Open


The CCP Exam Primer Class is a fast paced intense full day review of information to help you to identify areas of the exam where you may need more study. The content of the Class should help you pass the exam. But, CCPAC does not guarantee you will pass the Exam by merely talking the class by itself. Studying of the reference text, Freight Claims in Plain English, 4th Edition is essential. The Class will be held at the The Francis Marion Hotel, 387 King Street, Charleston, SC  Attendees should consider booking a Saturday night hotel stay as The Class will begin Sunday morning promptly at 8:00 AM/ET and conclude around 5:00 PM/ET.   A  Continental Breakfast, lunch and AM and PM beverage breaks are included in the fee.  Attendees must preregister and be pre approved by CCPAC in order to attend. The Fee For CCP Exam Primer Class is $725 for CCPAC, T&LC and Delta Nu Alpha Transportation Fraternity Members and $875 for non-members.   

 CLICK ON THIS LINK TO DOWN LOAD THE CCP EXAM APPLICATION & CALCULATION of POINTS FORM.  A MINIMUM OF 100 POINTS (25 FROM ACTUAL CLAIM HANDLING EXPERIENCE) IS REQUIRED TO QUAILFY TO TAKE THE CCP EXAM PRIMER CLASS AND/OR THE CCP EXAM. Once you complete the form, scan it and email back to [email protected] along with all supporting documentation including a resume of work history involving cargo claim handling and transcripts or certificates if claiming any additional points in the areas of education or seminars attended.  Once your Application has been received, accepted and approved by CCPAC you will be notified to download and complete the CCP Exam Application and pay the exam fee.  The fee to take the live exam at a conference is $725 U$D for Members of any of these organizations (CCPAC, T&LC, TLP&SA, Delta Nu Alpha) and $875 for non members.

 Transportation & Logistics Annual Cargo Claim 2 1/2 day conference that begins on Monday  March 19, 2024 through 1/2 day Wednesday, March 21, 2024, you must register and pay conference fee on the TLC website  Members of CCPAC and Delta Nu Transportation Fraternity can register as “Members” and get the TLC Member price to attend the conference.

Please Note, registering to attend the 2 1/2 day 50th Annual Claim Conference is separate and in addition to registration and fees for the Live CCP Exam Primer Class and Live CCP Exam as each are on separate websites. 

 Please Note,  If you plan to attend the CCP Exam Primer Class on Sunday, do not register for any of the T&LC optional Sunday classes as the CCP Exam Primer Class runs at the same time.  

Hotel Information

The Frances Marion Hotel is located at 387 King Street, Charleston, SC    If you are planning on attending the Sunday CCP Exam Primer Class you will need to book your stay for Saturday night as the Class begins promptly Sunday morning, March 17, 2024 at 8:00 AM ET.    Your Hotel reservations cannot be made through this website.  Hotel Reservations can be made by calling Tel: (843) 722-0600 or click on this link to go to The Francies Marion Hotel website and make sure you mention Transportation & Logistics Council (TLC) group to get the discounted room rate. This rate is guaranteed until the group block is sold out.

Register on this website to attend the Sunday Live CCP Exam Primer Class and/or the Live CCP Exam on Wednesday by scrolling down this page 

Please Read Carefully Before Completing the On-Line Registration for the CCP Primer Class and/or the CCP Exam:

If you are already a member of CCPAC, log into the Members Area before completing this form to see the discounted Member Prices.

CCP Primer & CCP Exam

The CCP Primer Class will begin promptly at 8:00 AM/ET on Sunday, March  17, 2024, and conclude around 5:00 PM/ET. Punctuality Sunday morning is very important as there will be no hand-out materials for this Class and topics discussed will not be repeated for late-arrivals.  Check the hotel directory board for class room location.

 There will be Continental Breakfast, morning and afternoon beverage breaks and lunch will be provided for Sunday class attendees and are included in the Class Fee.  The fee to take the CCP Primer Class at the Conference is $725 for Members and $875 for non-members.  Rates are higher at the hotel because of increased resort fees, taxes, facilities use and food costs.  Please note registration and the fees for the CCP Primer Class and the CCP Exam are separate.

The CCP Exam will be Wednesday, March 21, 2024, at the hotel from 12:30 PM ET to 3:30 PM ET following the close of the TLC Claim Conference at noon.  History has shown the average time to complete the 150 question true or false or multiple choice exam is 1 1/2 hours but candidates will be allowed to take the full 3 hours if needed. The fee to take the CCP Exam at the Conference is $725 for members and $875 for non-members.  Please note the CCP Exam registration and fee is in addition to and separate from the CCP Exam Primer Class.  Check the hotel directory for exam room location.

The discounted fee to attend both the CCP Exam Primer Class and the CCP Exam Fee is  $1,425 for members, $1,725.00 for non members.  It is highly recommended that you register and attend both the CCP Exam Primer Class & the CCP Exam.

If you opt to register on-line but pay later by check be sure to so indicate on the registration form below by clicking on pay later.  Checks must be received by CCPAC no later than February 2, 2024, or the applicant may have to pay a late fee of $75 or wait until next year and at a different City and State.

 You can register for the CCP Exam only and not take the CCP Primer Class. However, stats have shown that those who took the CCP Primer Class on Sunday and then joined in with other attendees to form study groups before  taking the CCP Exam on Wednesday have a higher pass-rate on the exam than those who do not attend the Class.

The reference text for the exam is Freight Claims in Plain English, 4th Edition. If you do not own a copy of this two-volume text, you can purchase the soft bound printed text book version.  Order on this CCPAC website at the Book Store under the Resources tab and members at a discounted price in the Members Area Book Store sub menu or you can order on the same form when you purchase the live Class or Exam or both the Class and Exam. The cost of the this book is not included in the CCP Exam Primer Class fee nor the CCP Exam fee. Participants in the class are encouraged to bring Volume 1 of the referenced study text with them as the Class as attendees generally form study groups afterward to further help prepare for the exam on Wednesday. No text books, notes, etc. will be allowed on Exam Day.

IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ BEFORE REGISTERING: Use the on-line registration and payment below only for the CCP Exam Primer Class and/or the CCP Exam or both the Class and the Exam. Complete all required sections of the registration and shipping sections even though nothing will be shipped.  IMPORTANT: Be sure the Billing Section contains the address and phone number that the credit card issuer has on file. Select the Option and Add to the cart. Complete the Capchta Security Feature before Submitting.  If you do not get confirmation then one of the fields of the registration has missing information.

If you are also ordering Freight Claims in Plain English, 4th Edition be sure to check the quantity in the cart and update to avoid an overcharge,  review the cart as you may need to edit cart to reflect the single option you choose.   

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